Showing posts with label grapes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grapes. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Flame Seedless short in supply
Mexican table grape harvest nearing its peak
“The first shipments of Mexican table grapes arrived in Nogales, AZ on May 5th and we expect to receive fresh arrivals through most of June,” says Chris DeSana with Seald Sweet International. The Mexican program spans about seven weeks and currently is the company’s largest grape program from a single country of origin. The peak of harvest is expected during the first two weeks of June.

Shipments increase 10% over last year
DeSana expects to ship a total of 780,000 cartons combined between the Hermosillo and Caborca growing regions. Last year, Seald Sweet shipped slightly over 700,000 cartons, so the expectation is for a 10 percent increase over last year.

Cold temperatures in the Hermosillo region in February have caused some fruit loss, mainly in Greens, including Perlettes and Sugraone as well as in Blacks (Summer Royals). Overall, Greens are still readily available. “With fewer Chilean Crimsons being offered in the month of May, Flame Seedless sales and movement has been excellent and is expected to continue through early next week or the peak Memorial Day pull,” added DeSana.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Superior seedless white grapes are pedigrees of fine grape vines that are characterized by their light green skin. They are seedless and are known for their firm, crisp, fresh-tasting flesh. They are distinguished by their crunchy bites and rich flavour.

Seasons: May, June, July


Red Flame
Red Flame grapes (a.k.a. Flame Tokay grapes) are round, crunchy, and are characterized by their balanced taste. They are easily distinguishable with their thick red skin and seedless cores. EgyFarm Red Flame grapes offer a delightful and tasty experience to consumers.

Seasons: May, June, July

Red Flame grapes 
 Red Globe
Red Globe variety is known for its large, round berries. When they ripen, they are characterized by their dark, ruby red colour and large plum-size seeds. EgyFarm Red Globe grapes offer a tasteful, mildly sweet and flavourful experience to consumers.

Seasons: August, September

Red Globe grapes

Crimson grapes
Crimson grapes are fast becoming the preferred red grape in worldwide markets. Crimson grapes are known for their exceptionally long shelf life. This rich, red variety has firm, crisp berries and is characterized by its sweetly tart, almost spicy, flavour.

Season: August, September

Early Sweet

Early Sweet grapes are well-coloured and firmly attached to the stem. 

Seasons: May & June
Grapes are grown widely in the world. It is known that grapes go back to the Neolithic period; for example in 1996 a jug filled with wine-7000 years ago was discovered in northern Iran. In Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt other clues have been found pointing to the existence of grape cultivation and wine production. In 2007 the area cultivated globally with grape was estimated to be 708 million hectares with a total production of around 65 million tons of which 7.7 million tons were table grapes. Italy, France and Spain are the most important producers of grapes generally; Italy, Spain and Greece remain the most important producers of table grapes.


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